Since the very successful launch of Móinéir at Bloom in the Phoenix Park in June 2016, we have received fantastic publicity and endorsements from food and wine experts, critics and the media, along with a great response from the public. Thanks so much to everyone who has supported us so far!
To keep up to date with media that we get featured in, head over to our TikTok or Instagram. NBC, British Vogue, The Late Late Show, and Lonely Planet are among a few of our recent highlights, with John Torode from Masterchef UK, even posting about us on his Instagram story after tasting the wines (lots of ‘pinch me’ moments going on)!
JP McMahon at his stunning restaurant ‘Aniar’
JP McMahon, founder and chef at Aniar (Michelin star restaurant), founder of Food On The Edge, food correspondent for The Irish Times, to name a few…
JP has been serving our Blackberry Wine on his tasting menus since around the time it launched, and has this to say….
‘Wicklow Way Wines offer a quintessential taste of Ireland. Fruit forward yet pleasantly complex. I love serving them at Aniar.’
Neven Maguire, owner and chef at the award winning MacNean House, host of Neven’s Irish Food Trails (RTE1) and lots more…
Neven came to see us in Wicklow and recorded a clip for Neven’s Irish Food Trails. Neven also serves our wines in his fabulous MacNean House and had this to say…
‘We have it on the tasting menu in our restaurant and the reaction from our customers is, they are surprised and they love it’
King Charles enjoying some of our Raspberry Wine!
King Charles and Camilla, Queen consort
King Charles and Camilla, Queen Consort, visited Ireland in June 2018 and took a walk around the English Market in Cork, chatting and tasting a selection of the artisan products available in the market. Stopping by wine merchant, Billy Forrester of Bubble Brothers, they were treated to a glass of our Móinéir Irish Raspberry Wine, combined with a Camel Valley Brut from Cornwall, named the Deoch of Cornwall!
Prince Charles commented: “Very good. Brilliant combination. Very refreshing”
And they’ve got the right idea of combining one of our Móinéir wines with a wine from your guest’s part of the world - building bridges and making friends!
Julie Dupouy, ASI #3 Best Sommelier in the World 2016, Best Sommelier Ireland 2018, and wine consultant to some of the best restaurants in Ireland…
Julie met us in the the Michelin Star Greenhouse Restaurant and enjoyed a tasting. She has written about our Strawberry Wine in Xpose Magazine’s Wedding Edition, and commented on Twitter. Here is what she said…
Xposé - ‘It (strawberry wine) has a beautiful pink colour, is dry, refreshing and absolutely delicious. This is truly original and a really interesting option for an aperitif’
Twitter - ‘So pleasantly surprised by this Irish Strawberry Wine - a must try’
John Wilson tasting our Raspberry Wine with Dáithí Ó Sé
John Wilson, wine correspondent for The Irish Times and The Today Show with Maura and Daithi, author of Wilson On Wine
John visited our winery and we showed him what we do. He has written about our wines in The Irish Times and also recommended them on ‘The Today Show with Maura and Daithi ‘ for Christmas Dinner. Here are some of his comments…
Irish Times July 2016: ‘Summer in a glass – lovely ripe juicy strawberry fruits and a rounded clean finish.’
Irish Times January 2019: ‘Fragrant aromas of red cherries and black fruits; concentrated cassis and blackberries with good acidity and excellent length. Very moreish, attractive wine.’
Philip Dunne, Head Sommelier at The Westbury Hotel Dublin, previously Head Sommelier at Ashford Castle
Philip has been a great supporter of our wines, and what we do, and introduced our Strawberry Wine to Ashford Castle shortly after it launched. Since moving to the fabulous Westbury Hotel, our wines have been part of the tasting menus in Wilde, and customers have already posted positive reviews about them. Philip says this about our wines…
“Passion, quality, a story - just some of the hallmarks a wine should carry for me when choosing what should go on a 5* luxury hotel wine list, such as The Westbury in Dublin. Pamela and Brett, the charming folk behind Wicklow Way WInes not only produce the most delicious and food friendly Strawberry, Blackberry and Raspberry wines, they also put a mountain of passion into every bottle they make. The very best of Irish berries made into wine, naturally. It is our great pleasure to share Pamela and Brett’s story, and wine, to guests of ours from all over the world in The Westbury, Dublin
‘A perfect choreography for the palate’ - the Mayo Times
Kevin Ecock, writer for Checkout Magazine and Hospitality Ireland, host of ‘Free Running with Kevin Ecock’ and ‘The Winepod’
Kevin visited our winery where we made a podcast, discussing winery tours, wines, winemaking and food pairings. Kevin tasted the wines and made the comments:
‘Móinéir is a range of excellent fruit wines’… ‘flamboyant strawberry, rich and structured blackberry and the impressively expressive raspberry’…’handmade artisinal wines, expertly made to Origin Green standards’.
Ed Jolliffe, Head Sommelier at Chapter One, and Restaurant Manager at Glover’s Alley
We met Ed at the Michelin Star Chapter One Restaurant where he tasted our Strawberry Wine for the first time. He loved it and introduced it to the Chapter One Wine List, pairing it on the Summer Tasting Menu. We’re delighted that our Strawberry Wine has been on the Wine List at Chapter One since then! This is what Ed said about our wine…
Ed Jolliffe, quoted in the Sunday Times article by Katy McGuinness - ‘We’ve had very good take-up on the strawberry wine (in Chapter One). It’s pure strawberries on the nose and there’s an instant hit. It’s summer in a glass – it makes people smile….there’s a hit of fruit and then it dries out on the finish. It’s a really good alternative for those not into sauternes or tokaji’
Great Taste
We entered the Great Taste Awards and have received stars for our all three of ours wines! We received some lovely comments from the judges, with our Blackberry Wine receiving the following feedback in July 2024…
“This is a great colour, certainly suggesting blackberries, On the palate, it has some depth and fruitiness, with a slightly dry finish which is unexpected and rather welcome. There is depth and complexity, and we really like the dryness. This would be very useful in the kitchen - and as well as being a drinkable wine, the judges also think there is potential for an interesting liqueur here.”